Here are answers to frequently-asked-questions about the Swagger Inspector end-of-life transition.

What is happening?

SmartBear will sunset Swagger Inspector on September 29, 2023.

What does this mean for Swagger Inspector users?

Swagger Inspector will redirect to API Hub for Explore from September 29, 2023.

Why is SmartBear sunsetting Swagger Inspector?

SmartBear has created API Hub for Explore to replace Swagger Inspector. API Hub for Explore is a lightweight API client that matches 's feature set. API Hub for Explore will continue to evolve to support user needs, including OAS functionality.

What is API Hub for Explore?

API Hub for Explore is a free API client that instantly surfaces data received from an API response, allowing you to evaluate the value provided by various API protocols in a single place.

What are the benefits of API Hub for Explore?

API Hub for Explore provides a quick and easy understanding of REST and Kafka API endpoints. See the feature comparison below:


Swagger Inspector

API Hub for Explore

Support REST

Support Kafka

Not available

Support SBID

Not available

Save Historical Transactions

Save Multiple Connections to a Group


Import OAS

Future release

Generate OAS and Export to SHUB

Future release

How much does API Hub for Explore cost?

API Hub for Explore is a free API client.

Will SmartBear migrate Swagger Inspector customers to API Hub for Explore?

SmartBear will not be migrating customer data from Swagger Inspector to API Hub for Explore. If you wish to migrate your data, there is a simple CLI utility for importing data into API Hub for Explore. SmartBear will be archiving data according to SmartBear’s data retention policies.

Where can I learn more about API Hub for Explore?

Use the following resources to learn more about Explore:

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