SmartBear ID

Smartbear ID is a centralized Authentication system for SmartBear. It supports the following multiple authentication methods:

  • Email / Password with optional MFA configuration

  • Social Logins ( Google, GitHub, Microsoft)

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) with Home realm discovery

Products Supporting SmartBear ID

The following products work with SmartBear ID:

Mandatory Email Verification

Starting March 7, 2024, users who have not verified their email address and password must complete the verification process upon their next login. For more details, see Manage Your Data.Manage Your Data

SmartBear ID and Auth0

SmartBear ID uses Auth0 for authentication and authorization. Auth0 is a widely used identity platform that is well-aligned with industry standards.

SmartBear ID Servers

The computer where your SmartBear product will run needs a connection to the SmartBear ID servers: 


Proxies and firewalls running in your network should allow access to these addresses. Contact your network administrators for configuring the proxies and firewalls.

This access is essential from the initial product launch and is required throughout the entire product lifecycle. The provided addresses point to the API server. The preceding SmartBear products interact with the hosts, appending specific paths or endpoints to the base addresses.


SmartBear encrypts all data at rest.

This help describes the following:

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